Cell Phone / Smartwatch Policy
Cell Phone / Smart Watch / Earbud Policy:
The Louisiana Legislature passed ACT 313 which states:
“No students shall possess, on his person, an electronic telecommunication device throughout the instructional day. If a student brings an electronic telecommunication device in any public elementary or secondary school building or on the grounds thereof during an instructional day, the electronic device shall either be turned off and properly stowed away for the duration of the instructional day or prohibited from being turned on and used during the instructional day.”
What does ACT 313 mean for our students?
- Students are not allowed to use a cell phone/smartwatch or any other electronic telecommunication device (not provided by school) on campus at any time.
- Not during lunch
- Not during bathroom breaks
- Not during class
- Not during transitions
- Not to call home
- Not to text friends/family
- Not for DE or AP classes
- A student must have their cell phone or electronic communication device powered off and placed in their school bag.
The phone or electronic communication device cannot be in their pocket, as the law states it cannot be “On his person”.
- Students who are caught using their cell phone or any other electronic communications device at any time on campus will have disciplinary consequences.
Students who are caught with a cell phone:
First infraction: The device is confiscated, a warning is given to the student, a notification is sent to parent, parent can pick up the device from the front office. (documented through minor referral)
Second Infraction: The device is confiscated, a lunch detention is given, notification to parent, parent can pick up the device from the front office. (documented through minor referral)
Third Infraction: The device is confiscated, a major referral is given with consequence assigned by the Dean, notification of parent, parent can pick up the device from the front office.
Fourth infraction: The device is confiscated, a major referral is given with consequence assigned by the Dean, notification of parent, parent can pick up the device from the front office.
Note: Parent/Guardian must pick up the device between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Failure to give the device to a school system employee when requested is considered a serious offense and will add to the severity of the consequence.