Academic Dishonesty Policy
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Students must produce work that reflects their own effort and thought. Haynes Academy students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and intellectual honesty. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
Copying work or allowing another student to copy your work.
Giving or receiving help during an assessment.
Using unapproved online resources, including but not limited to the work of peers and past assessments.
Taking or sharing physical or digital copies of assessments or other graded work.
Using notes, books, or other aids, including cell phones and other electronic devices during an assessment.
Using a calculator prohibited by the teacher in a math or science course.
Signing into an online program using another student's account and completing the assignment for them, or having another student complete your online assignment.
Allowing another person to make significant changes to your work including content, word choice, and sentence structure. Proofreaders should offer suggestions, not rewrite content.
Using a program or other internet sources to complete independent work.
Using an artificial intelligence (AI) app or software to complete your work
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:
Duplicating another student’s work or an external source without proper citation.
Self-plagiarism or reusing/submitting your own work from a previously graded assignment without proper acknowledgement.
1st Offense
The student will not receive credit for the assignment. The teacher will enter a grade of 50/F into the gradebook with a note to indicate academic dishonesty. The student will receive a minor referral in JCampus. The teacher will contact the parent/guardian to hold a parent teacher conference. Students are not allowed to retake the test.
2nd Offense
All consequences of a 1st Offense, with the addition of:
A parental conference held with the teacher, parent, and administration; and the student will have to serve an after school detention.
3rd Offense
All consequences of a 2nd Offense, with the addition of:
The student will receive a major referral in JCampus.